fins C4, MB002, hardness 20+

MB fin blades

Despite a reduced weight, having such a solid foot pocket on which to apply the blades has proven to be an ideal solution to increase performance.

In MB fins, the major factor that increases performance is the new dedicated “Reverse Parabolic” lamination; a parabolic curvature which, instead of having the part with greater flexion at the top, it is near the foot. A complete reversal of concepts and an evolution of what our DPC (Double Parabolic Curve) blades had.

This dedicated lamination significantly changes the mechanical behaviour of the fin. The surface that generates the thrust is in fact greater than the surface that generates hydrodynamic resistance, thus producing greater elastic deformations and greater propulsion. The fin becomes a natural extension of the leg and not just a simple mechanical appendice on which to exert force.

There is such a big advantage that it is possible to use stiffer blades, therefore with greater performance, but using the same effort normally used with lighter blades.

Taking advantage of this feature we have raised the relative performance. A “+” has been added to the hardnesses. This is because, flexed in the hand, an MB 25+ is stiff and pushes as much as a standard 30 while weighing in the water like a 25. Restarts from the bottom, accelerations and speeds are thus higher.

MB fins feature new rounded section water rails that improve water containment on the blade and reduce water vortexes on the outer sides. The water rails, introduced by C4 for the first time in 1993, have always kept the water on the parts of the blade that generate the thrust. The MB feature a greater thrust surface and, for this reason, the water rails are integral, from the foot pocket to the tip of the blades.

Without shoes like the 250 none of this would have been possible. As always, it is the combination of shoes and blades that produces the result.

MB fins are available in two versions:

  • – The MB001, short 80cm blades with black graphics.
  • – The MB002, long 90cm blades with white graphics.

The carbon blades all feature a matte surface finish.

MB fins are named after their creator: Marco Bonfanti, who wanted to personally sign his new fin project featuring the “Reverse Parabolic” curved blades.

MB fins are a 100% MADE IN ITALY by C4

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